What To Do If You're Injured in an Uber Accident

For many residents of Los Angeles and the surrounding communities, ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft have become a regular part of life. These services serve a similar purpose as taxis, but work in a very different way. To use Uber or Lyft, you must use a smartphone app to arrange a pickup, rather than hailing a cab on the street. Similar to a taxi, the parent companies hire independent contractors as their drivers.
While these services can be a very convenient way to get from point A to point B, they are still susceptible to the same hazardous road conditions as a taxi or passenger car. If you’re injured either as an Uber passenger, or as the result of a crash with an Uber or Lyft vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation. The question is, who is liable for your injuries?
Who Is Liable For My Injuries?
After an accident involving an Uber or Lyft vehicle, you will want to proceed in the same way as a standard accident claim. If you are in the car, collect the contact information and insurance information of both drivers. If you are struck by an Uber car, you will exchange information with the driver in the same way as a normal accident.
Due to the fact that Uber and Lyft drivers are considered independent contractors, and not employees, the companies will not technically be liable in an accident claim. In reality, Uber and Lyft do provide insurance coverage for each rideshare trip. However, the independent contractor status does make it particularly difficult to successfully file a claim with the company’s insurance. This means that you will likely need to pursue compensation through the driver’s personal insurance.
A Questionable Legal Classification
Currently, there are a number of lawsuits and other legal challenges regarding the “independent contractor” status of Uber and Lyft drivers. While we may eventually see these drivers classified as employees rather than contractors, the current classification causes some confusion when filing a claim.
If you’ve been injured in an accident involving an Uber or Lyft driver, call Ghozland Law Firm immediately. For more than 40 years, our Los Angeles car accident attorney has successfully pursued compensation on behalf of injury victims. We understand the tough time you’re going through after an auto accident, so we don’t charge a penny until, and unless, we win your case.
If you’ve been injured, let our firm fight for you. Call (213) 817-9957 for your free case evaluation!