Signs of a Concussion Post Auto Accident

Many auto accident victims in West Covina assume that if they have suffered an injury, they will be able to see it. While this is often the case (deep cuts and broken bones are often visible to the naked eye), many injuries -- particularly brain injuries -- require medical testing in order to determine the extent of damage. If you suffered a blow to the head while in a car accident, seek immediate medical treatment and contact an experienced injury attorney to see if you should pursue legal action against the negligent driver.
What Is a Concussion?
Your skull provide excellent protection around one of your most important organs -- your brain. Additionally, the spinal fluid surrounding the brain acts as a cushion, protecting your brain from banging against the inside of your skull. But if you suffer a severe blow to the head, this trauma can cause your brain to hit the hard inner shell of your skull, leading to a concussion. In some cases, you might black out, but you don’t have to in order to suffer a concussion.
What Are Common Concussion Symptoms?
If you believe you have suffered a concussion resulting from a car accident, read on to learn about the following symptoms
- Headaches
- Nausea / vomiting
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Sleeplessness / interrupted sleep
- Foggy memory
This list is not exhaustive. A qualified physician can diagnose whether you have suffered a concussion, so don’t delay seeing a doctor or visiting an emergency room. What's more, it is important to watch for worsening symptoms. In a bad accident, you might suffer a more severe traumatic brain injury. The symptoms resemble those of a mild concussion, but they don’t get better with time, or with rest. On the contrary, people with TBIs suffer long-lasting problems with movement, speaking, and learning.
Next Steps after an Auto Accident Injury
If you or a loved one has been injured in a West Covina car accident that was not your fault, you have legal rights. Additionally, you may be able to recover financial compensation for your injuries, medical bills, pain and suffering, related expenses, and more.
For more information on what to do after you have been injured in a car accident, contact the experienced West Covina injury lawyers at Ghozland Law Firm today for a free, no obligation consultation.