Where Do Most Los Angeles Car Accidents Happen?

While no one can predict exactly where and when car accidents are going to happen in Los Angeles, we can review data to help us determine where most auto accidents to happen and therefore when to be on extra high alert. To learn more, continue reading.
Your Neighborhood
Many of us have probably heard this old truism: you are most often involved in a car accident when you are within a few miles of your home. So why are we more likely to crash in our own neighborhood? We can attribute this statistic to our brain’s propensity to relax and go autopilot when we’re driving familiar routes. Have you ever ended up in your garage only to realize you totally blanked on how you actually got there? This is because when we drive in familiar places, we tend to rely more on muscle memory than active driving skills.
Parking Lots
We've yet to find a parking lot in Los Angeles that isn't stressful (if you know of one, we would love to hear!). The combination of stressed drivers, small spaces, and places to go can be a recipe for disaster. Or in this case, car accidents. Thankfully, many of these parking lot accidents are low-speed, meaning injuries can be less severe. But low-impact or not, whiplash and other common auto accident injuries can very easily happen from car accidents in parking lots. Common parking lot accidents include cars backing into each other, vehicles sideswiping other vehicles, etc.
Daily Commutes
Many Los Angelenos spend hours each day in their cars - driving to and from work. Unfortunately, many commuters use this time to multitask -- think putting on makeup, chatting on the phone, eating... Additionally, the stress of traffic jams and delays can cause drivers to feel intense amounts of stress and even road rage. This environment can lead to auto accidents.
What should you do if you’ve been injured in a car accident?
If you have been injured in a car accident, know that our experienced injury lawyers are on your side. At Ghozland Law Firm, we have years of experienced handling accident claims and know how to fight for your rights. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation.