When Do I Need to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Being injured in any type of auto accident (such as a car, truck, or motorcycle accident), can be a traumatizing experience. Unfortunately, certain portrayals of attorneys have also made the idea of hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you recover financially for your losses seem just as upsetting.
At Ghozland Law Firm, our experienced accident attorneys understand that if you are injured because of someone else’s negligence, the last thing you want to do is deal with a lawyer who does not give it the time, attention, or care it deserves. You need an accident attorney who has your best interests at heart and who will walk you through the legal process. Continue reading to learn when you should hire a personal injury lawyer to help you after you are injured in an accident.
If you or a loved one was involved in an automobile accident, you should strongly consider hiring a personal injury lawyer if:
- The accident resulted in serious injuries with possible long-term repercussions (such as ongoing physical therapy),
- The other driver was uninsured or underinsured,
- There is a dispute between you and the other driver as to who was at fault,
- You are feeling pressured by the insurance claims adjuster to agree to a quick settlement,
- You don't believe that you or your loved one is being fully compensated for current and/or future medical costs,
- You fear the statute of limitation may prevent you from bringing your lawsuit,
- Injuries from the accident have caused you or your loved one to miss more than a few days of work,
- You or your loved one experienced a head or brain injury,
- You or your loved one have a prior injury or medical condition that may have been aggravated by this new injury,
- You are contacted by the other party’s lawyer to discuss a settlement.
This list is non-exhaustive. Perhaps you are suffering from other physical or emotional trauma caused by the accident. If you were injured as a result of another person’s or negligence, California law is on your side. Contact a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer to discuss whether retaining legal counsel is the best choice for you.
For a complimentary, no obligation consultation about your potential auto accident case, reach out to the injury attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.