What Can A Parent Due if a Child Suffers Burns Injuries Due to Negligence?

It's a tragic fact that each year, thousands of children across the country suffer serious burn injuries. Often, these unfortunate accidents occur due to a third party’s negligence or carelessness, and could have been prevented. Take a look at a recent news story, for example. A family was out to eat, enjoying a typical day, when their baby reached the hot water the waiter had placed on the table and spilled it all over herself. According to the family's attorney, whom they hired to represent them against the restaurant, his mother tried to take the smoking clothing off of the baby, but skin came away. The baby suffered second degree burns. The family hired an attorney because they believe the restaurant was negligent in its placement of the scalding water.
Burn accident statistics
This story support some frightening statistics relating to burn accidents involving children:
- Most scald burns to children, especially small children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years, are caused by hot foods or liquids
- Home-cooking equipment is the leading cause of home fires and related injuries
- Hair curlers, curling irons, room heaters, ovens and ranges, irons, gasoline, and fireworks are the most common causes of product-related thermal burn injuries among children younger than 14
This list is not exhaustive. Another cause of burn injuries to children is auto accidents -- a child gets stuck in a burning car. If you believe someone else's negligence caused your child to suffer burn injuries, reach out to an experienced accident attorney to discuss your legal rights. You may be able to recover financial compensation for your child, as the road to recovery could be long for both you and your child.
Healing from burn injuries
The child's healing time, both emotional and physical, can be unpredictable. Second-degree and third-degree burns often cause damage to nerves, tendons, ligament, muscles and bones. Some severe burns can even result in limb amputation or even death. As the child is healing, the scarring often causes reduced mobility, disfigurement and related emotional distress.
If your child has been burned due to negligence, know that your child may need more than what your insurance plan offers. Typical health insurance plans cover only medical treatments that the insurer believes are necessary and will not cover reconstructive or cosmetic surgery, which a child's often needs to completely restore him or herself.
Financial compensation from burn injuries
If your child was injured by a product that was defective or did not work as promised, or by someone else’s negligence, you might be able to recover financially for your child’s medical bills, pain and suffering, counseling for emotional trauma, plastic surgery, ongoing rehabilitation, and more…
For a free, no obligation about your child's burn accident injuries, contact the experienced attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.