Truck Accidents and Wrongful Death

Every day, experienced and highly trained truck drivers transport items and equipment required by the country along California's roads, freeways, and highways. In a horrific truck collision, anybody on the road is at danger of sustaining catastrophic injuries or death. The busy lifestyle with short deadlines frequently increases the danger of wrongful death accidents.
Dealing with wrongful death is never simple. For the family of the victim, it is not just the loss of the victim, but also the loss of future generations. There is also the loss of important events such as weddings, birthdays, and family gatherings. Then there are the financial implications. The loss of income, the loss of household stability, and unanticipated funeral expenditures
Truckers may transform a family's life in an instant. One problem with a tire or traveling for too long without respite can tear apart a family and take a life. While no sum of money can put things right, a truck accident attorney can help in many ways.
Responsibility of Truck Drivers in California
Ultimately, identifying who is to fault is sometimes the most difficult aspect of a wrongful death case involving a truck collision. All too frequently, responsibility is shifted from the driver to their company, to individual parts their manufacturers. You'll need experts to assist you analyze what happened and identify who is most responsible for the death.
Truckers in California must pass a variety of exams, but their employers frequently require more of them than is fair or lawful inside the state. These include things like how long they travel without resting or how they carry themselves on the road.
Wrongful death laws in California outline which family members are eligible to initiate a wrongful death case as provided in 377.60 of the California Code of Civil Procedure.
Is the truck driver always liable?
In many truck accident instances, as stated above, not only the truck driver but also his or her company can be held responsible for the injuries or death of the passengers. The bad news is that this often dual responsibility complicates truck accident cases, but the good news is that, in most cases, your financial recovery as a victim is much higher because you are not limited by the driver's insurance policy limits, which can severely limit other types of accident cases.
The causes of a truck accident are nearly comparable to the causes of any other form of road accident—driver mistake, drunk driving, speeding, tailgating, disregarding the laws of the road, and so on. In many situations, the victim may also contribute to the disaster by driving too near to a vehicle or failing to recognize the vehicle's unique demands (for instance, the need to make very wide turns.
Consult with a California Truck Accident Attorney
Following a truck accident in California, filing a wrongful death or personal injury claim is always worthwhile. Ghozland Law Firm's California truck accident lawyers can help you construct a solid case against the truck driver, trucking business and prove fault through strong legal methods and strategies.