Things You Should Not Say After a Los Angeles Car Accident

Car accidents in Los Angeles happen when we least expect them and not only that, there are more common than many drivers believe. In fact, the average person will get into a total of at least four accidents throughout their lifetime. It is important to be prepared, in case you are hit by another car or truck while driving in Los Angeles.
The scene of an accident can run high with emotions, even if it is just a minor fender bender. After you are hit by a car, you will likely be shaken up or in shock – and running high on adrenaline. As a result, it can be difficult to think clearly and you may find yourself saying something you could later regret.
Read on to learn what to do, and maybe more importantly, what not to do after a car accident. Of course, it is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately if you believe you may be injured.
Know what not to say
Saying the wrong thing after a car accident, whether to another driver or to a police officer on the scene, can potentially jeopardize your financial recovery down the road. When determining fault, statements made by the drivers to one another, witnesses, or the police are among the most significant forms of evidence. Diminishing your chances for fair compensation is the last thing you want to do after a car wreck.
I'm Sorry – apologizing after a wreck could easily be taken as an admission of guilt, and could be used against you, even if you weren't at fault.
I'm Not Hurt – with the rush of adrenaline coursing through your body, it is common for car accident victims to believe they have not been injured in the accident. Other injuries are more apparent and should be addressed by a medical professional immediately. Just because you feel fine initially, you may wake up the next morning with a bad case of whiplash, which can be debilitating. You will want to get yourself check out by a doctor.
It's okay to tell someone that you don't need emergency services called, but you shouldn't tell someone you aren't hurt.
I Think - if you aren't sure about some aspect of the accident, don't say anything about it.
It's better to say that you don't know than to say that you “think" you know the answer.
This list is not exhaustive. Essentially, you will want to save your theories and commentary for your conversations with your accident lawyer. To discuss your car accident case at no cost to you, contact the attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.