Los Angeles Car Accidents and Insurance Companies

A Los Angeles car accident can be a scary event. Even if you don’t think that anyone is physically hurt, there’s the emotional trauma and property damage. Additionally, injuries often aren’t felt for several hours after a car accident or other traumatic event because of the body’s natural response of releasing adrenalin.
Under California law, all drivers must have car insurance. When a car accident occurs, you will likely notify the insurance company. They’ll begin the process of determining who is at fault and what, if anything, they’ll offer for injuries or property damage. While you may want to believe that your insurance company is on your side, that is often not the case. There are some things you should keep in mind regarding insurance companies and how Los Angeles car accidents are handled.
Insurance Are For-Profit Businesses
Your monthly premium s determined by a mathematical formula. Factors considered include, but are not limited to, your driving record, whether you’ve consistently kept car insurance, how many claims you’ve filed in the past, how many incidents you’ve reported, and statistical data regarding people in your age group. Insurance companies use collected premiums to pay out on claims. And at the end of the day, insurance companies are for-profit businesses that are generally more interested in their bottom line than paying you what your injuries deserve. The right accident lawyer will fight to ensure that you recover all of the financial compensation owed to you.
Insurance Companies Will Question Your Injuries
If you’re involved in a Los Angeles car accident, you need to seek medical care right away even if you don’t think you’re hurt. If you wait to get care, the insurance company will probably use that against you during the claims process. If you have substantial injuries, they will likely request that you get evaluated by a doctor on their payroll. Although the doctor is supposed to give an unbiased opinion, that doesn’t always happen. Speak with your attorney before meeting with anyone recommended by the insurance companies.
You Could Be Asked to Settle
The insurance company might send you a settlement agreement. Without having it reviewed by a lawyer, signing it could be dangerous. You could lose your right to sue and you may not be paid what the claim is worth. To ensure that you are receiving the financial compensation you deserve, contact the experienced accident attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today for a free consultation.