How to Protect Yourself from Being a Victim of a Pedestrian Accident

One of the perks of living in certain parts of Los Angeles is its walkability. If you enjoy walking or if you live in an area where it is common to walk (think: Santa Monica), you should understand that you could be seriously injured if you’re involved in a pedestrian accident. A pedestrian accident involves a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle.
Read on to learn more about how you can protect yourself from auto accidents and reduce the risk of getting seriously hurt.
Use Crosswalks
Both pedestrians and drivers are often unaware of the actual rights that a pedestrian has when it comes to crossing the street. If you are walking, one of the best things you can do to protect yourself from being hit by a car or motorcycle is to make use of crosswalks if they are available to you. If there aren’t any crosswalks for you to use, use common sense when you cross the street and pay attention to the traffic around you. Please don't be looking down at your phone when you are crossing the street, whether it is your right of way or not. And remember, jaywalking is never safe (nor legal!).
Pay Attention to Your Surroundings
It’s important that you pay attention to your surroundings to help avoid a pedestrian accident. Staring down at your cell phone or listening to music at a loud volume could mean that you don’t see or hear a car coming. As a pedestrian, you don’t have a lot of physical protection from an automobile if it hits you. You could face a long road to recovery from serious injuries. Therefore, we always encourage our readers to pay careful attention to their surroundings. This won’t totally eliminate the risk of pedestrian accidents, but it can help you minimize the likelihood that it happens to you. If you or a loved one are injured in a pedestrian accident that was not your fault, know that California law is on your side.
Walking at Night? Wear Reflective Clothing
If you’re walking at night, wear reflective clothing or carry a flashlight. This can help drivers see you as you’re out walking. Make sure that you walk on sidewalks if they’re available to you. This may seem silly, but it works!
Were Your Hurt in a Pedestrian Accident?
If you were hurt in a pedestrian accident in Los Angeles, you may have the legal right to compensation for your injuries. This includes hospital bills, time lost from work, medical expenses, physical therapy, and more. Schedule a free consultation with the experienced pedestrian accident attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today to discuss your potential case.