How Long Will My Personal Injury Claim Take?

Car accidents, slip and falls, motorcycle accidents -- if you file a legal claim, how long will it take for you to finally get to court?
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident caused by someone else's negligence, hopefully you have sought out the assistance of a skilled injury attorney in Los Angeles to help you protect your legal rights and recover the financial compensation you deserve.
What is a personal injury lawsuit?
A personal injury lawsuit is a civil lawsuit brought by an injured person against the negligent person or entity responsible for their injuries in an effort to recover money for injuries and other losses.
To determine whether you may be able to bring a successful personal injury claim, you will want to discuss your potential case with an experienced accident lawyer. The lawyer will likely ask you three simple questions:
- Did you suffer a personal injury (not just property damage)?
- Were your injuries caused by the negligence of another person or entity?
- Do you have recoverable damages?
How long will my Los Angeles personal injury case take?
Each personal injury case is unique, as is the timeline. How long it will take to pursue a Los Angeles personal injury claim will depend on a number of different factors, including:
- When, where, how, and why the accident happened
- The circumstances surrounding your injuries
- The seriousness of your injuries
- The insurance company and whether they are dragging their feet
- Whether the case settles or goes to trial
- If the case goes to trial, whether the court has an overcrowded docket and busy schedule
This list is not exhaustive. Discuss the additional factors what may come up in your case with your lawyer. However, generally speaking, a personal injury claim can take anywhere from a few months to several years before reaching a resolution that best protects your interests. You want an attorney who will fight for you as long as it takes in order for you to receive the financial compensation you deserve, not a lawyer who rushes to settle your case.
Should I Take the Step to File a Claim?
If you want to recover all of the financial compensation owed to you, you want an experienced accident attorney on your side. The insurance company will likely not have your best interests at heart and will try to low-ball you. With the injury lawyers at Ghozland Law Firm as your advocate, you can have confidence knowing your legal and financial rights will be taken care of. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation.