How An Accident Lawyer Can Help If You've Made These Mistakes (Part 2)

Continuing on from our last post, there are options for you if you've made some of these common mistakes following a Los Angeles car accident. The best option is usually to find the top accident attorney near you and contact him to discuss your case.
Read on for more common mistakes people make after a car accident.
6. Failing to Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company
In some instances, victims of Los Angeles car accidents decide not to report their accident to the insurance company. Whatever the reason, not wanting the 'hassle', the other driver begging you not to, it is important to note that by not reporting, you cannot collect insurance money for injuries.
7. Posting on Social Media
The insurance company will do everything possible to devalue your claim. This includes extracting information from your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... If you say you are too injured to work, but are posting photos of you dancing at a local bar, that will probably be used against you. You do not want to do anything that could mean less money for your injuries. Posting on social media after a car accident can be a costly mistake. It is best to dismantle your social media accounts until after your claim has settled.
8. Trusting Insurance Adjusters
You will likely hear from the insurance adjuster very soon after an accident. While the adjuster may be a nice person, s/he is on the insurance company's side -- and their goal is to give you the least amount of money possible. Insurance companies don't make money when they are paying out big claims.
Do not make the common mistake of treating an adjuster like a friend and inadvertently saying something that could hurt your claim. Do not be rude to the adjuster, but keep conversation to a minimum and consult with an attorney before allowing an adjuster to record you.
9. Accepting the First Offer
Insurance companies are known for low-balling car accident victims, especially with the first settlement offer. If you are being offered a settlement offer, be sure to bring it to your accident attorney. In most cases, your lawyer will be able to help you recover more money than the insurance company is initially willing to pay. What's more, when you accept a settlement offer, you waive your right to take any legal action down the road. So if you end up needing additional surgeries, treatments, etc... You will have to pay for them.
10. Waiting Too Long to Take Action
Car accident victims who do not take quick action risk losing their ability to receive compensation for related injuries. California generally has a two year statute of limitations for accident victims to bring a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.
While courts strictly adhere to statutes of limitations, the law does allow for some rare exceptions. Talk to your attorney to see if you qualify for an exception.
For a free, no obligation consultation, contact the skilled lawyers at Ghozland Law Firm today.