Diamond Bar Injury Cases: Why You Need An Attorney

The city of Diamond Bar has been the location of many serious injury accidents, including car, truck, motorcycle, bus and bicycle accidents. These accidents frequently result in very serious injuries. In cases of serious injury, there is absolutely no doubt that the injured victim must be represented by a skilled personal injury attorney. The value of the compensation recovered is often far, far higher when a lawyer is managing the case.
Why? Insurance companies take specific actions to try to avoid paying out a high settlement, even when the issue of negligence is clear. A first settlement offer is traditionally extremely low. An injured person could be advised that it would be best to accept the offer, and the settlement could be presented in such a way that the victim doesn't understand that the settlement is likely a third, a half or even less of what could have been recovered with the assistance of an attorney.
Insurance companies usually act quickly to contact a victim. It is advised that if you hope to recover fair compensation, that you do not speak with any insurance company adjuster or lawyer, and do not release your medical records – let a lawyer do the work. An attorney has the skills, experience and knowledge that is required to negotiate a fair settlement, or to take a case to civil court for a verdict if the company refuses to offer a fair settlement.
As finances are usually a critical issue after an accident, you could be pressured into accepting a settlement that will not even cover your medical costs, much less the income you lost from being unable to work, as well as addressing the issue of damages for pain and suffering.
Contact the Ghozland Law Firm for immediate assistance in a personal injury case. We operate on a contingency fee basis – if we don't win, you don't pay.