Dealing with the Insurance Company After a Motorcycle Accident

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the agency tasked with tracking this data, motorcyclists are six times more likely to sustain injuries during a traffic accident than passengers in a motor vehicle. This means that most motorcycle accident victims are facing medical bills, time off work, and more. The last thing someone trying to recover from an accident needs is to have an insurance claim derailed by an insurance claims adjuster.
What should a motorcycle accident victim do when dealing with an insurance company? Read on the learn more...
Be Careful About What You Say
Remember that no insurance company -- even your own -- is really on your side. At the end of the day, they want to do what is best for them, and that generally means watching their bottom line and not paying you all of the compensation you deserve. It is the insurance adjuster's job to minimize your payout and protect the company’s interests. When you are speaking to the insurance adjuster, be very careful about what you say (or better yet, have your accident attorney on the call).
Be Prepared
It is likely that the insurance adjuster will ask you for specific facts and details about your accident, many of which you may not be able to remember. Do not stress. Prepare beforehand by discussing potential questions and answers with your motorcycle accident lawyer. It is important that you are always truthful but protective of your own best interests.
Ask the Insurance Adjuster About Fault
Many times, insurance companies automatically blame motorcyclists for accidents for the mere fact they are motorcyclists. Go into the conversation with an understanding of this bias against motorcycle riders. Near the end of your interview, you are welcome to ask the adjuster who he believes to be at fault. If the adjuster answers that you are totally or partially at fault, ask on what specific grounds the adjuster bases this view. Having this information will help you and your lawyer plan how to respond.
Beware of Quick Settlement Offers From Insurance Companies
Motorcycle accidents are more costly than others due to the high likelihood of injuries. As touched on above, insurance adjusters are often encouraged to settle them for as little money as possible.This number will likely not take into your account all of your current bills, much less the future medical bills and lost wages you might incur as a result of an accident that was not your fault. Do not accept any initial insurance settlement offers until you have had time to completely assess your situation and speak with an attorney.
What Next
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact the experienced accident attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm immediately to discuss your legal rights and to ensure that you recover the financial compensation you deserve.