Accidents, Burn Injuries, and Your Child

Each year, thousands of children in California and across the country suffer serious burn injuries. Some of these tragic accidents occur due to a third party’s negligence or carelessness, such as through car accidents, and could have been prevented. If your child was a victim of a burn injury, speak to a skilled personal injury lawyer to discuss your child’s legal rights. Children suffering from second and third degree burns often face a long road to recovery that can involve a great deal of time, money, and tears. As a parent, you might also suffer the anguish of having to watch your child’s slow recovery from a senseless injury.
Yearly, almost 100,000 children suffer burn injuries. Consider this frightening child burn injury information:
- Car fires account for about 20% of reported fires
- Most burns to children, especially small children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years, are caused by hot foods or liquids spilled in the kitchen, or other areas where food is prepared and served
- Defective products can 'malfunction' and cause injuries to children, including burns
This list is not exhaustive. If your children suffered a burn in a manner not listed above, contact a skilled injury lawyer to learn more about your potential case.
Defective products and burn injuries
If your child was injured by a product that was defective or did not work as promised, you might be able to recover financially for your child’s medical bills, pain and suffering, etc… These damages are known as compensatory damages and are designed to compensate innocent victims for injuries they suffered at the hands of a negligent third party. Whether that party is a company or individual, you need to discuss your legal rights with an injury attorney.
Moving past a traumatic burn injury
Suffering serious burns can be a life-changing experience. Child burn victims often must work through the trauma of the initial burn and learn how to handle future challenges with peers and with self-esteem as they grow up. The effects of a child burn injury can be emotionally devastating, but don’t let it be financially devastating as well. Contact the experienced, compassionate injury attorneys at Gholzand Law Firm to discuss the next steps for you and your family.