4 Facts about West Covina Motorcycle Accidents You May Not Know

Motorcycle accidents are often misunderstood by the public. There’s a lot of misinformation about this subject and we believe it is time to clear the air. Here are 4 facts about motorcycles and auto accidents that you may not know.
1. Most Motorcycle Accidents Aren’t Caused by the Rider
Many people believe that motorcycle accidents in West Covina are mostly caused by the rider. This isn’t true. Statistics show that most accidents involving a motorcycle occur because of the driver of the other vehicle. Around ¾ of all motorcycle accidents involve a passenger vehicle.
2. The Most Likely Place for a Motorcycle Accident Is an Intersection
When a motorcycle accident involves another vehicle, the most likely place it will happen is an intersection. Generally, these terrifying accidents happen because the passenger vehicle violates the motorcycle’s right of way or they violate a driving law such as changing lanes without using a blinker, in the middle of an intersection, or without checking the lane to make sure it’s clear. Sometimes, West Covina intersection accidents are a result of a driver running a red light. In many of these cases, the drivers "run off", resulting in a hit and run motorcycle accident. Thankfully, the rider does have legal rights. Contact us if you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident hit and run.
3. Many Motorcycle Accidents Show Signs That the Rider Tried to Avoid the Collision
Generally speaking, when motorcycle accidents take place, the police arrive to investigate the scene just as they would in any other type of road accident. Skid marks from the motorcycle wheels are often present and indicate that riders take precautionary measures of slowing down, braking, and swerving to avoid a collision. If you are able to, take photos of this evidence to show your accident lawyer later on.
4. There Is a High Likelihood of Serious Injury to the Rider
Motorcycle accidents present a high likelihood of serious injury for the rider because they have less protection from the impact and the road. According to statistics, the likelihood of rider injury is between 96% and 98%, depending on how many other vehicles were involved. More than half of the reported injuries were to the lower extremities. However, the deadliest injuries involved the head and chest. If you or a loved one are injured by another driver's negligence, you have the right to recover financial compensation for your injuries.
Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?
If you or someone you love was hurt or killed in a motorcycle accident, consult with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. Contact the West Covina injury attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today for a free, no obligation consultation.